
October 9, 2024

Does your building measure up?

Meet our new benchmark tool

We're excited to launch our new Benchmark Widget! This handy tool helps both building owners and tenants understand energy performance and how you compare to others, making it easier to navigate sustainability.

Why it matters

💡For building owners:💡Understanding your property’s efficiency is key to spotting areas for improvement and fine-tuning your management strategies.💡For tenants:💡Knowing how eco-friendly your workspace is can guide your choices and keep you in line with modern sustainability standards.

What’s inside the Benchmark Widget

The Benchmark Widget uses energy intensity metrics to give you a clear score in kWh/m², showing how much energy your building uses per square meter. It’s a simple way to gauge performance.

Visualising energy performance

To make things even simpler, the widget features:

  • A thermometer-style check: Colour-coded from red to green, this visual lets you quickly see where your building stands.
  • A comparative bar chart: See how your building stacks up against similar properties. For portfolio managers, we include average energy intensity across all your buildings for even more insight.

The bigger picture

This feature turns energy data into practical insights. You’ll get a clearer view of how your building measures up against energy efficiency standards. It’s a great tool for sustainability reports, boosting tenant engagement, and finding ways to cut energy useDid we catch your attention? Reach out via the button below, and get a demo.Contact us!